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What is a Blue Bucket good for? 

The Dokász’ trademark is the Blue Bucket. In more than 30 years, thousands of buckets were filled. We helped many people in need to live a more tolerable life.

The Easter Blue Bucket Action is in full swing, where you can help us online or offline!

We have already talked a lot about its content, but it is also good to mention that the plastic bucket also makes good service when it is emtpy. Those living in poor conditions, makes everything useable and need to recycle as many things as possible. 

We would like to show you what is the use of this 12 litre Plastic Bucket.

  • It is very handy in carrying water. We visited many families who do not have running water in the house. They have to carry water from the nearest well, in which the bucket is a gret help.
  • Washing clothes. Not many people in need has a washing machine, so they have to wash their clothes by hand, in which the bucket can be a great help.
  • Storing and carrying wood. These families usually heat with stove. In winter the bucket is helpful in carrying branches and wood into the house.
  • Storing stuff. Anything can be stored in it: food, toys, school supplies and things like that.

When we visit families and elderly people, we usually see these Blue Buckets, as an everyday subject. We are very happy that these plastic buckets are not meant to land in the trash but is recycled.

Help us and collect a Blue Bucket! 

To fill a Bucket online costs 17 EURO. We are very thankful if you can help a family in need!