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About us


Dirk Jan Groot was called by Matthew 25, which talks about people serving the poor. In 1991, Dirk Jan founded the Hungarian organization, which is seated at Erdőspuszta, near Debrecen. Dorcas Resort is a 5,5 hectare big area which offers the opportunity for visitors to do sports, camp and organize conferences. The Board of Directors of the Hungarian Dorcas consists of interdenominational and lay members. Dorcas Ministries works in 15 settlements, joining forces with 40 churches and other organizations to implement its projects for the benefit of Hungarians living in the country and outside of the border. The main target groups of Dorcas are poor families, children in need and elderly people living in difficult circumstances. Through its diaconal projects, Dorcas distributes 22 tons of clothes and 22 tons of food annually among 10,000 beneficiary. The organization is continually expanding its territory to implement its social projects in new areas and support new target groups.


Help self-reliance come about among the poor through the combination of social aid and trainings to see our beneficiaries reach their full potential in life by using their God-given skills and talents to improve their situation.

Vision: Transformed lives

our method

  • Assistance takes place at local stages
  • Beneficiaries get regular donations
  • Realizations is based on personal contacts
  • We help changing step by step
  • In addition to the donation, we help the beneficiaries with training
  • We support in a maintainable way
  • The results are measurable and provable

Get to know our social projects!



A dorkász munkaválallói felé is elkötelezett!

Ismerd meg esélyegyenlőségi tervünket!


director's greeting


Jesus says: ‘When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his glorious throne. All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left. Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘ (Matthew 25:32-36)Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’ (Matthew 25:31- 36) When can we see Jesus? How can we help him? How can we be part of the right group at the end? All of these questions are answered in our social projects where help arrives in a tangible form where it is needed the most! ‘let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.’ 1. Jn. 3:18. There is still a great gap between the poor and the rich in Hungary. Catching up to the European Union and the sociopolitical decisions made in the past years resulted in the fact that some social layers strengthened their financial position but for other layers it meant a daily struggle to provide for their basic needs (more than 38.000 people live under the living wage). The mission of Dorcas Ministries is to generate economic recovery among people in need. We share the love of Christ in a tangible way. Permanent recovery can only be reached by the help of local christian communities. I hope that many of my fellow citizens joins our mission!

Ábel Lukács Kiss

Managing director


When the economic status of our country gets stabilized, strengthens and some social layers advance, we cannot forget about the 1/3 of the population which still live in poverty and hundreds struggle daily. While the upper middle class has the opportunities of moving forward, the lower middle class, and those on the periphery are getting poorer day by day. I have been serving in the BoD for more than 10 years and I have seen lives change by our work. People in poverty and extreme poverty were created the same way by God to live a decent life. Dorcas Ministries can only do its work efficiently if people stand together and work together with communities to reach our common goals. For this reason I ask you to join Dorcas in its mission!

Ferenc Vojtkó

BoD President

our team


kiss ábel lukács ügyvezető
keleti gábor területi igazgató - dorkász budapest
tokai imre szakmai igazgató
dr. vojtkó-pék ildikó jogi igazgató
mózesné püski zsuzsanna kommunikációs vezető
kriszt dániel vezető lelkipásztor
komonyi györgy üzemeltetési vezető
lénárt-muszka attila iskolavezető

supervisory board

dr. berényi sándor elnök
dr. csabina sándor dr. nagy gábor

board of trustees

vojtkó ferenc elnök dirk jan groot dr. bedekovics lászló dr. budai zoltán dr. vasas lászlóné