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Projects: Blue bucket

Food Donation Webshop

„for I was hungry and you gave me food'' (Matthew 25:35)

The Blue Bucket food donation project is a social feeding program. We collect non- perishable food in 12-liter-deep plastic buckets. Churches, organizations and schools fill these buckets. The main goal of the project is to call people to action and donate so they help those people in need who live in deep poverty. Through this project, we help families that take care of disabled family members and their monthly income does not make it possible to have enough food every day.

Filling a bucket: 17 EUR

"Blue Bucket non-perishable food collection program and support for the implementation of the organization's activities and goals"

In the years 2020-21, the Blue Bucket non-perishable food collection campaign will be implemented with the support of the Hungarian Government, the State Secretariat for National Policy of the Prime Minister, and the Gábor Bethlen Fund, and the support will be used to (partially) finance the expenses related to the operation of the Dorcas Ministries Public Benefit Foundation.

Application number: NEAE-KP-1-2020/1-000263
Amount of support: 5,000,000.-