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Projects: Family care

Regular help for moving forward in society

„I was naked and you clothed me” Matthew 25:36

What is family care?

Unfortunately, impoverishment is a growing problem in our society. There can be many reasons for this, such as rising inflation, long-term unemployment, or even health reasons, why some families have suffered such a miserable fate.

Our goal is precisely that those living in such deep poverty we want to help families in their everyday prosperity. We want to embrace them and give them the strength to start over, so that even needy families can return to normal life and be able to get by on their own.We visit the needy regularly, so we also provide them with mental support. We make them feel that there is a way out, there is hope from this difficult situation!

How Dorcas helps?

To achieve our success, we try to involve members of local churches or family helpers. We try to improve the lives of poor families with donations of food, clothes, and textbooks before the start of school. The children go to school, but the parents cannot provide them with the necessary equipment during the school year. If we provide the tools for learning, this entails a kind of chain reaction. They do not neglect their studies, this gives them the opportunity for a better life later.

We are in contact with the following settlements:

  • Dombostanya
  • Bagamér
  • Pac 
  • Kokad
  • Bodaszőlő
  • Haláp

Poverty is right next to us! Do you notice?


Who do we support?

Get to know the families living in deep poverty, where both water and electricity are considered luxuries. An example is the Rózás, who live with 8 people in a 2-room dilapidated house in Bagamér. The family lives on HUF 80,900 family allowance, orphan income and daily allowance. There is no running water or bathroom in the house. The kitchen is one bedroom and bathroom at the same time. They heat it with wood and cook on the stove. Róza's sister is a private student, as her child was recently born and placed in foster care. The girls lived in an apartment home before their mother's death. When they moved into the unplastered house, it had no doors or windows, they made it themselves. Food donations are a big help for them, as many mouths need to be fed from the little income.

How can you help?

If you also feel that you want to change and improve the life of a poor family, support our work and take care of one of our families with your monthly donations! As long as there is someone who listens, listens and encourages them to start over, they will not give up and try to break out of financial difficulties.

Supporting a family costs 10 EUR per month.