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Anxiety in children - 3 tips on how you can help

Nowadays, anxiety is becoming more and more common among children, which can have many causes. The busyness and overload of parents, the tense pace of school, and the little free, unstructured time can all contribute to anxiety in childhood. Excessive media use is also a significant factor, as young people are exposed to a lot of stimuli and information on media platforms, which can further increase the physical symptoms of anxiety. Coping with anxiety and using effective anti-anxiety methods can be key to healthy child development.

Symptoms that tell

The anxiety with physical symptoms can also be used, such as sleep disorder, stomach ache, headache. It can be a sign of anxiety sudden change in behavior too. The child is different from usual evasive or on the contrary, too much becomes clingy near us. Who with anxiety struggle can be observed in them difficulty concentrating and restlessness also, which many misinterpret as hyperactivity or attention deficit disorder. Children with social anxiety often they avoid their peers and certain situations that are enjoyable for other children.

Parenting plays a big role in dealing with emotional challenges, as children's brains are still developing and they struggle to manage their emotions. It is important to assess the situation in time and ask for help from a professional if necessary.

How can we help overcome anxiety?

The game is a perfect way to to overcome anxiety, as it helps the child to express his emotions more freely. It can be a good method against anxiety role play. With plush dolls, you can re-enact a specific situation for the little one, where the parent is also present and the environment is safe. The drawing, and the creation is also effective, as this is how the child expresses his fear without words. Thanks to this, what he was afraid of until now it becomes more tangible and conquerable.

Szorongás a gyerekeknél, szorongás leküzdése játékkal
Crafts help children overcome anxiety

It is important to explain to children that in case of strong or constant fear, the brain "sounds the alarm" to escape. Although this is useful in an emergency, it is often unnecessarily activated when no real danger is present. That is why it is necessary to talk about it and reassure the child that he is not actually in danger.

There is a game that can be used at home to relieve anxiety. You can name your anxiety "Bob", for example. and when the child magnifies a problem in a given situation, we can point out that "Bob is talking now". This can help him better understand and manage his concerns, while helping him feel that he is not alone in them.

Anxiety in children without parents

A deep connection with the child is one of the most important factors that helps her feel safe and strengthens her self-confidence, through which the anxiety can also be reduced. However, if there is no parent or trusted relative in a child's life, how can he overcome his anxiety?

Szorongás leküzdése játékkal

The Hope for home within our program, we organize community events for young people living in Budapest children's homes, thus helping their healthy psychosocial development and the useful use of their free time. The people living in children's homes they can often suffer from anxiety, which can also be caused by an unstable environment and emotional uncertainty. THE with joint programs our goal is to help them overcome these problems.

Together, let's give children living in orphanages the opportunity for safety and development. join us as a volunteer or support with your donation a Hope for Home program!