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A professional open day is the perfect opportunity for employees of various social organizations and institutions to share their knowledge with each other. This was the first such event in the organization's history, but it certainly won't be the last. 

 2 years in the service of Transcarpathian refugees

In March 2022 az orosz-ukrán háború híre sokkolta a világot. Több szervezet, köztük mi is segítő kezet nyújtottunk a kárpátaljai menekültek számára. Egyik napról a másikra kellett egy komplex szociális támogatórendszert kidolgoznunk. Olyan csónakon utaztunk, aminek az oldalát útközben építettük fel. Közöttük voltunk, megértettük mire van szükségük, így döntöttünk arról, hogy a szállás mellett, szociális ellátást, oktatást, illetve lelki segítségnyújtást is biztosítunk számukra.

There was no time for planning, you had to act then and there. Dorcas unique professional program related to the care of Ukrainian refugees has grown out of the work of people who want to do it. – This is how Imre Tokai, the professional director of the Dorkász Service, recalled the beginnings.  

Alapelvek, amelyeket a kárpátaljai menekültek ellátásában is alkalmazunk
In our professional publication, we wrote about the experiences of our past years

We are now over the 180 thousandths on the night spent by refugees, currently 250 refugee is staying in our Refugee center. We have now passed on the practices and skills learned in the last 2 years to colleagues in the profession.  

Exchange of experience with the greats of the profession 

The május 16-án for our organized event Employee of 26 organizations came to us from different parts of the country. At this unusual event, we were able to exchange ideas with professionals from different sectors, which represents a huge step forward for all of us. It is amazing to see when representatives of the civil sphere, public education, central organizations and churches work together to help those in need.  

The nearly 50 people members of the visiting army were able to get to know her on this day ABCD methodology, which is the basic principle of Dorcas. 

"I see the basic principles of ABCD being realized in practice. It is wonderful that this professional experience was presented to us as part of such an event. Thanks to this, we can also apply this method in our own area." – with these sentences, one of the participants said goodbye at the end of the day-long event.  

Alapelvek, amelyeket a kárpátaljai menekültek ellátásában is alkalmazunk
ABCD principles

It is a great pleasure and recognition for us that so many organizations have come to us. And thanks to the joint exchange of professional experience, we continue to move forward. Would you like to hear more about our work? Subscribe to our newsletter HERE!