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Lives among us

Zsolt and his family-Dombostanya

During our visit to Dombostanya, we made a short detour to a family of seven. There were only four people present when we arrived, but we still barely fit in their largest room. They try to keep their home tidy, but the plaster of the house showed that it was in dire need of renovation.  

All tasks fall on Zsolt, the father, since the children's mother has not been in contact with her children for eight years. Full custody belongs to the father. So far, it has been a great help for him that he was able to rely on his mother, the children's grandmother. However, three months ago, he died due to a serious illness. The family was deeply affected by the tragedy. Their already hopeless situation was overshadowed by this tragedy even more. 

In addition to financial difficulties and grief, there is another burden on the man's shoulders. Zsolt's younger brother, Dénes, is physically and mentally disabled, so he is unable to support himself. As long as his mother could, she had been taking care of her younger son, but at the moment this task fell on the rest of the family. The head of the family has given up his previous job and is taking care of his brother with nursing care.  

"We have been raising him with my mother for 34 years. As the children grew up, of course they also helped us. If I put Dénes in an institution, he wouldn't last two or three days, he would die." 

A seriously ill man is cared for with the utmost devotion. During our visit, Zsolt's daughters also helped with feeding, as they know very well that Dénes can only count on them. 

The family's monthly income is HUF 150,000, which consists of the care allowance, the children's scholarship, and the family allowance. 

Zsolt's eldest daughter, Valentina, tries to take her share of the costs and works in addition to the evening school. Valentina is purposeful and proudly told us about her plans for the future. After obtaining the qualification, he wants to learn the profession of a chef. She loves to cook, her big dream is to operate her own buffet car. The young girl helps her father in whatever way she can, and also tries to teach her younger siblings.  

The family has been through a lot of trials over the years, but they still try to stay positive. The children go to school regularly and fight so that they don't have to live from day to day later. 

How could you manage on HUF 150,000 per month? Like the Horváth family, there are many people among us who have to live on this amount every month. Our Kék Vödör non-perishable food donation is a huge help to those in need. Help the needy by filling a Blue Bucket!