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Lives among us

Julia and her family - Dombostanya

There is a world outside of our comfortable little life that was difficult for me to understand until I experienced it with my own eyes. As soon as I entered the slightly creaky door of the 9-member family - which perhaps didn't really catch the wind - I arrived in the kitchen, where a single table was full of kitchenware. The tiny room was followed by the bedroom, which was separated from the kitchen by a blanket nailed on the doorframe. This room was the bedroom for all of them with 2 beds and a stove that was used for both heating and cooking. 

Érkezésünkkor a család legkisebb tagja, a 2,5 éves Rikárdó aludt a kétszemélyes ágy közepén. Gyorsan megtaláltuk a közös hangot az édesanyával, Júliával, aki meglepődésemre rendkívül intelligens asszonynak bizonyult, több mint egy órán keresztül beszélgettünk szünet nélkül. Szomorúan mondta el nekem, hogy a fürdőszoba és az áram hiánya miatt 7 gyerekéből 6-ot állami gondozásba helyeztek. Nagyon rosszul viselik azt, hogy nem lehet velük az összes gyermekük, de még a kicsi Rikárdó is, szinte minden nap megnézi a testvérei képeit és mondja, hogy mennyire szereti és hiányoznak neki a testvérei. „Olyankor megszakad a szívem.” – mondta az édesanya. 

The head of the family works as an unskilled worker, and Júlia has just enrolled her youngest child in kindergarten so that she can also take up a job in Debrecen. According to her, they live on maximum HUF 100,000, but there are times when they have to manage on HUF 50,000 in a month. 

"It's not easy to find a job, because when they look at me, they say there's no job for me, even though I'm trying my best to find a job. They scare because of my roma origin, even though I feel that I am not a stupid person." 

They could no longer pay for their previous apartment, so they moved back to their house where they grew up 1 month ago. The furniture was also very poor in the two-room house, except for the most necessary. I saw how devotedly she spoke about her children and told me that she would do whatever she could for them. The oldest boy is studying to be bricklayer, although it is very difficult, but they also try to support him in his studies. She buys him a bus tickets to make his journey easier and packs a snack for him. 

"We can't build a palace, but my children don't go hungry," Julia said. After 6 months, the family's situation will be reviewed, the parents are confident that by then they will be able to create a home where they can bring their children home to continue living as a family.


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